Social and Environmental Rules


General Regulatory Framework

Political Constitution of Perú (Title III: Economic Regime. Chapter II: Environment and Natural Resources).
Organic Law for the sustainable use of natural resources, Law N°26821
Law N° 28611: General Environmental Law.
Law N° 28245: Framework Law of the National Environmental Management System
Supreme Decree N° 008-2005-PCM: Regulation of the Framework Law of the National Environmental Management System
TUO of the Organic Law of Hydrocarbons, Law N° 26221
Supreme Decree N° 039-2014-EM: Regulation for the Environmental Protection in Hydrocarbon Activities. 
Supreme Decree N° 023-2018-EM
Supreme Decree N° 005-2021-EM
Prior Consultation
Legislative Resolution N° 26253: Ratification of Agreement 169 of the International Labor Organization.
Agreement 169 of the International Labor Organization.
Law N° 29785: Law of the Right to Pirior Consultation
Supreme Decree N° 001-1012-MC: Regulation of the Law of the Right to Prior Consultation

Eleventh Complementary Provision of the Regulation of the Law of the Right to Prior Consultation: Publicationn of the Methodological Guide

Ministerial Resolution N° 209 -2015-MEM/DM: Establish the administrative procedures in which prior consultation is required
Environmental Impact Assessment
Law N° 27446: Law of the National System of Environmental Impact Assessment
Supreme Decree N° 019-2009-MINAM: Regulation of the Law of the National System of Environmental Impact Assessment

Ministerial Resolution N° 546-2012-MEM/DM: Terms of Reference for Environmental Impact Studies of Investment Projects with Common Characteristics Approved

Supreme Decree N° 011-2013-EM: Registry of Companies that prepare Environmental Impact Studies.

Supreme Decree N° 003-2011-MINAM: Modifies the regulations of Law N° 26821, specifying aspects related to the issuance of a favorable technical opinion by SERNANP, before granting the right to exploit resources in a block

Supreme Decree N° 004-2010-MINAM: Specifies the obligationn to request a binding technical opinion from SERNANP in the environmental certification procedure.

TUO of the Organic Law of Hydrocarbons, Law N° 26221 
Supreme Decree N° 039-2014-EM: Regulation for the Environmental Protection in Hydrocarbon Activties (Título III: Classification of Environmental Studies ).

Supreme Decree N° 003-2000-EM: Precisa que plazo para aprobación de Estudio de Impacto Ambiental, no se aplicará para los plazos fijados en el artículo 22 de la Ley N° 26221, para el cumplimiento de las fases de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos

Law N° 27444: General Administrative Procedure Law.

Supreme Decree N° 054-2013-PCM: Special provisions for the execution of administrative procedures

Supreme Decree N° 060-2013-PCM: Special provisions for the execution of administrative procedures

Mechanisms of Citizen Participation.

Law N° 28611: General Environmental Law (Title I: National Environmental Policy and Environmental Management. Chapter 4: Access to Environmental Information and Citizen Participation

Supreme Decree N° 002-2019-EM: Citizen Participation Regulation for the performance of Hydrocarbon Activities.
Law N° 26221 – Organic Law of Hydrocarbons
Environmental Regulatory Framework that regulates the construction and operational activities of hydrocarbon projects
Law N° 26221:Organic Law of Hydrocarbons (1)
Supreme Decree N° 039-2014-EM: Regulation for the Environmental Protection in Hydrocarbon Activities.
Environmental Passives
Law N° 29134: Law that regulates environmental liabilities in the hydrocarbons subsector.

Supreme Decree N° 004-2011-EM: Regulation of the Environmental Liabilities in the Hydrocarbons Sector.

(1) Supreme Decree N° 042-2005-EM - Single Ordered Text of the Organic Law of Hydrocarbons