Mensaje del Presidente
Chairmans Message
The commitment assumed to promote the recovery of the hydrocarbon sector fills us with enthusiasm, but also with important challenges that we hope to achieve in the coming months.
The sustainable use of our energy resources, with social and environmental responsibility; it is a strategic imperative and of national interest; in the objective that we pursue to strengthen the competitiveness and the economic and social development of the country.
We are convinced of Peru's enormous hydrocarbon potential, but immediate action is required. We have identified three strategic axes in which we will work quickly: maximize the economic recovery of oil and gas from the current exploitation fields, solve the contingencies to value the fields discovered in the last 10 years, and replace reserves through successful exploration projects.
With enthusiasm, commitment; will and determination, we will make possible a new stage in the energy sector of Peru.
Chairman of the Board of PERUPETRO S.A.