Marco Normativo de Control Interno

Lineamiento Corporativo del SCI para las Emp 

Corporate Guidelines of the Internal Control System for Companies under the scope of FONAFE

Guia para la Evaluacion del SCI

Guide for the Evaluation of the Internal Control System

Lineamiento de Gestion Integral de Riesgos

Comprehensive Risk Management Guidelines for Companies under the scope of FONAFE

Guia para la Gestion Integral de Riesgos

Guide for Integral Risk Management

Directiva Implementacion del SCI

Directive N ° 013-2016-CG / PROD “Implementation of the Internal Control System in State entities”

Guia para la Implementacion y Fortalecimient

Guide for the Implementation and Strengthening of the Internal Control System in State Entities".


Politica de Administracion de Riesgos

Integral Risk Management Policy

Politica Antifraude

Anti-Fraud Policy

Manual de la Gestion Integral de Riesgos 

Manual of Integral Risk Management

